There are a few bugs. Sometimes when you finish the puzzle, the game doesnt recognize it. I found the easy fix is to erase one square and then fill it in again.
Some puzzles are not solvable with the given information. At the beginning its not too bad. You can usually make a pretty good guess by looking at the picture. But puzzle 14 is ridiculous. Without the hint button, this one would be practically impossible. Ive been doing these kinds of puzzles for over 6 years and have worked on some that are so large and complicated, it took a week to solve. This has nothing to do with the difficulty of the puzzle, it was just a poorly designed one.
Sometimes the game doesnt clear a number that you already have filled in and sometimes it fills it in when it shouldnt be. Puzzle 15 is a prime example. Be sure to watch for this. I would like to see it fixed so that the user crosses off the numbers instead of it being done automatically.
I got this app for free, and as a free app, its good. However I wouldnt spend any money on it until the bugs are fixed. I would also love to see larger puzzles and more color.
brothamannp11911 about Pic-a-Pix